i Wannabe Mentored Competition 2017
About the competition
Who can compete?
Female students in undergraduate and graduate studies and recent graduates working in mining-related disciplines (see Appendix A for more guidelines).
What is it?
WWR is offering ambitious and talented students the opportunity to be funded by an industry company and mentored by recognized mining leaders at the Third Annual Auction for Action event.
WWR aspires to be an active participant in promoting feminine power in the Canadian mining industry.
Third Annual “Auction for Action”
Trump International Hotel & Tower, Grand Ballroom
325 Bay St, Toronto
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
17:30 – 21:00 pm
A female student will be championed by an organization to bid on and be mentored by a mining leader of her choice at the WWR Auction for Action. Up to $1,000 will fund one-hour of personal mentorship time with the respective executive. Competition winners will receive an invitation to the exclusive Auction for Action pre-reception with their champions and industry executives.
Don’t miss this great “i Wannabe Mentored” competition!
About Women Who Rock
The ‘Women Who Rock’ (WWR) organization aspires to become an integral part of the industry’s efforts to attract women to mining. Our long-term strategy is to create programs that connect various stakeholders in the industry, with the goal of supporting and empowering women.
Founded by Elena Mayer, MBA, in 2014, the professional and social network has grown to more than 600 active followers, male and female, from academia, mining companies, non-profit organizations, legal firms and supply and service industries.
Our inspiration and motivation comes from current leaders in the industry. As Andrew Cheatle, Executive Director, PDAC recently stated, “Positive change is inevitable and must happen.”
About the Auction for Action
The First Annual Auction for Action sponsored by the mining industry’s thought leaders and legal community had overwhelming industry participation. With the generous support of 12 CEO/CFO trailblazers from the mining industry, WWR was able to auction one-hour mentorship sessions to women intent on advancing their careers in the sector.
The Second Annual ‘Auction for Action’ offered women in the mining sector an extraordinary opportunity to bid for a one-hour mentorship meeting with celebrated mining leaders. Among the mentees were women completing graduate studies and in the early stages of their careers in the geology, engineering, law and business disciplines. Participated by over 150 guests, the event included high quality networking, live auctions of mining leaders, refreshments and lot of good spirit.
The Third Annual Auction for Action event will be hosted in Toronto, January 2017, 2017. The event will be held at The Trump Hotel, Grand Ballroom.
“i Wannabe Mentored” Competition Guidelines
Female participants are required to submit an application to: [email protected]
- Entry Deadline: 12 midnight, December 10, 2016.
- WWR Executive Committee will determine the winning applicants.
- Selected participants will be informed by email by December 20, 2016.
- Winners are required to attend the Auction for Action event on January 17, 2017.
Female students undergraduate and graduate studies and recent graduates (within the last 3 years) working in the sector specializing in law, environmental studies, business, geology, engineering or sustainability are eligible to apply.
Application Requirements
- A one-page essay focused on the topic described below
- Personal resume highlighting your interest in and passion for mining
- A three paragraph story on how an existing mentor influenced your career and choices (to be published on WWR media outlets)
Follow these formatting guidelines: each page, single-spaced, 11 point font, Times New Roman, normal margins (2.54cm) on each side, a header with the participants’ name
Essay Topic
The mining industry is currently experiencing serious labour and skills shortages. It is estimated that 106,490 employees will be needed in the industry over the next ten years in a baseline scenario. In a more economically friendly environment it is estimated that these numbers will increase even more. A large percentage of these jobs are based on replacement needs in general and about 51,030 due to retirement of many of the baby boomers from many middle and senior management positions. Replacing highly skilled and experienced employees is therefore one of the main challenges faced by mining companies.
As a future leader in the mining industry, identify your “big idea” to solve the labour and shortage gap and how you would champion gender diversity within the industry?
Outline how mining companies, government and not-for-profit organizations can work together to achieve a vibrant, progressive and economically viable outcome.