Women Who Rock Issues Statement to The Financial Post

This statement was prepared in response to an article published in The Financial Post, titled “‘Ironic twist’: #MeToo strikes mining industry in its own way after PDAC scraps panel on women”.

For immediate release March 23, 2013. 


As a woman in mining, and a President and CEO of an organization (Women Who Rock) whose purpose it is to attract and retain more women in the industry, I feel it is my obligation to elaborate on the article by offering readers an insider’s perspective of what the mining industry does to mitigate “widespread gender problems” outlined in the article.

By no means do I claim the mining industry is perfect. What I do, however, know first-hand is that this sector is striving diligently to improve gender equity to bring about lasting and positive change.

All stakeholders are engaged in this effort—the Federal Government by funding various research projects, mining companies allocating funds and creating diversity strategies, industry organizations such as PDAC, MAC, MiHR and CIM that are actively engaging in the gender diversity dialogue, and organizations for women in mining with branches all around the world that are developing and implementing various programs.

We at Women Who Rock are a group of 10 volunteers who see ourselves as an integral part of the industry’s efforts to promote gender diversity. Through our activities over the past four years numerous female and male mining leaders have put their hands up to mentor geology, engineering, business and law students who are female and interested in pursuing a career in mining. The article would be more balanced if it acknowledged our perspective and relate the robust dialogue surrounding positive change for women in our industry.

Yes, we have a long way to go. But the dated perception that that mineral exploration and mining community is hostile to women is simply not true, and further diminishes the reality that women are making difference in our industry at all levels—from entry level positions to management to the boardrooms—and that we are critical to the future success of our sector remaining a global leader in the 21st century and beyond.

Elena Mayer

President & CEO, Women Who Rock