The Fifth Annual ‘Auction for Action’ Mentors
The ‘Auction for Action’ brings together organizations, executive leaders and female professionals employed (or interested in a career) in the Canadian mining industry. Our event aims to highlight the efforts that mining organizations are making, to recruit more women into all career opportunities within the industry. It’s a chance to make change, by creating awareness and providing a valuable networking experience for women in the Canadian mining sector. Moreover, it is an opportunity for mining organizations to meet talented professionals, and learn more about the benefits of fostering a culture of inclusion within the industry.
Learn more about the exciting mentors that have volunteered their time, to create awareness and support. Please click below to review career highlights and accomplishments from our seven distinguished executives from the Canadian mining industry.
On behalf of our Board of Advisors, sponsors and partners, we would like to wholeheartedly thank you for your support and participation, as we take the Fifth Annual Action for Action to Vancouver, on May 7th, 2018.