Event Start:
The Americas Powerhouse Luncheon: Meet the International Trailblazers Challenging the Status Quo
Event Timeline
Date: March 6, 2019
Time: 11:15 to 14:00
Timezone: EST
Place: Toronto Region Board of Trade
Diane Kazarian, Managing Partner, PwC Canada engages in conversation with four remarkable women leaders, representing Argentina, Canada, Mexico and Peru. These
trailblazers will tell their compelling success stories while championing diversity and inspiring the next generation of leaders in the Americas.
Andrea Grobocopatel
The Argentine agronomist, Argentina’s representative in the W20 Forum, part of the G20 summit, and Chair of the Foundation for Responsible Leadership and Organizations.
Ashley Kirwan
The Canadian treasurer hunter, geologist, who developed her own creative science in discovering the ground beneath our feet.
Veronica Richards
The Mexican force of nature who after building a successful communications business in Mexico replicated the feat in Canada.
Ana Cecilia Gervasi
Peruvian diplomat with 26 years of experience bringing the Peruvian culture and business to the globe and growing the awareness of its possibilities.
Women Who Rock is partnering with Women of Influence to shine a spotlight on The Americas Diversity story by sharing the unique perspectives of these four groundbreaking leaders. We are proud of the opportunity to share positive stories and the strides that the mining industry has been making to bring about positive change.
Join us for a delicious lunch and exciting discussion as we wrap up the PDAC 2019 Convention and celebrate International Women’s Day.
by February 20 with promo code PDAC99 and receive the $99 early bird price.
TICKETS: $120 + BONUS Early birds enter to win 2 DOOR PRIZES from the Consulates of Argentina and Peru.